Chuva no Havaí

Enchentes atingem Kauai

Fortes chuvas causam enchentes e deslizamentos na ilha de Kauai, Havaí; governo decreta estado de emergência.

Surfistas como Evan Valiere registram o impacto da chuva em Kauai.Evan Valiere / Facebook
Surfistas como Evan Valiere registram o impacto da chuva em Kauai.

Um recorde de chuva atingiu a ilha de Kauai, Havaí, no último fim de semana (14 e 15). O aguaceiro durou 24 horas e causou enchentes, deslizamentos, destruiu casas e chegou a deslocar animais. Até o momento, nenhuma morte foi relatada.

Governador de Kauai, David Ige declarou estado de emergência e se comprometeu a fornecer todos os recursos disponíveis para ajudar os cidadãos locais.

“Eu morei aqui toda a minha vida e esta é uma das situações mais graves que já vi no Kauai”, disse o prefeito da ilha, Bernard Carvalho, ao canal de TV Hawaii News Now. “As coisas estão terríveis. O que estamos realmente focando agora é na busca e salvamento e uma avaliação completa dos danos.”

Alguns surfistas documentaram a tempestade nas mídias sociais, incluindo o resgate feito por Laird Hamilton a 15 meninas presas. Outros nomes como Evan Valiere e Bethany Hamilton também divulgaram imagens.

Fonte Surfer

This might be the best picture ever. No, we did not have a fun day on the boat. This is us getting RESCUED! 😂 Hanalei flooded today on the last day of my girls sleepover camp. We had to get evacuated out! What's a girls party without a little dramaaaaaa right?!! We are home and safe and dry! Thank you to the man @lairdhamiltonsurf you absolute animal! Saving 15 little GIRLS! Are you kidding me? And my dad and @r_ritchie for being in ultimate dad mode this morning. Oh and my uncle @kalaninuhi! And my amazing sister @fern_foot You are a BOSS! I love you! Gosh. So grateful for this epic little experience. My girls were absolutely amazing!!! I love these sweeties! Frikkkkken #ShineWithHer first Event ever blowwwwout. Can't be topped 🤷🏼‍♀️

A post shared by Leila Hurst (@leilahurst) on

Hanalei Pier

A post shared by Evan Valiere (@evanvaliere) on

Looks like my photo went viral. My next door neighbor told me that the buffalo had been washed into Hanalei bay and were being herded back to shore. My wife two daughters and myself went to Hanalei and saw a kayaker trying to get this one back to shore. When I arrived he was obviously exhausted but glad to be back on shore. Two guys were trying to lasso him and he was not about to let anyone be in control of him. He was ready to charge at any of the three of us. I had to cross a small river to get to him but am stoked I got a shot that sums up the beauty and danger of the last few days on the north shore of Kaua’i. #hanaleibuffalo #myphotos #hanaleiflood #kauai #hawaii #photocredit #originalcontent #princeville #stregisprinceville #hanalei #hanaleibay

A post shared by Ian Nelson (@ianisonline) on

The above photo it what Kauai look like right now! It crazy!!! #kauaiflood

A post shared by Bethany Hamilton (@bethanyhamilton) on


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