
Rio de lixo na Indonésia

Enxurrada de plástico invade córrego em Manado e chama mais uma vez a atenção sobre o problema do lixo na Indonésia.


Um vídeo feito por Cherryl Niqitha e compartilhado por nomes como Kelly Slater nas redes sociais chamou mais uma vez a atenção sobre o problema do lixo na Indonésia.

Desta vez o transtorno foi registrado na cidade de Manolo, cidade com mais de 600 mil habitantes e capital da província de Celebes do Norte.

Depois de muita chuva, um rio de plástico e outros objetos descem um córrego em direção ao mar, enquanto alguns moradores tentam minimizar os danos.

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We humans have figured out some strange ways to f up this world. This is insanity. Imagine all the sugar and ingredients contained in these bottles and the effects on our health from that and the plastic containers leaching chemicals. And then there’s the impacts on the land to grow and source all the ingredients. Did you know, in some states in the US it’s illegal to capture rainwater on your own property or even grow food in your yard in some communities because it’s unsightly? But imagine if all these bottled drinks were replaced with rainwater we had at home. I’m not trying to say I’m not a part of this conditioning we’re accustomed to I’m just saying I’m grossed out by it. Maybe it takes seeing this to do something about it. All this eventually flows to the ocean which ends up in fish and bird diets and has further effects on the environment and our health. We don’t have much of an option but to think about it. I wonder what my house would look like if I kept all the garbage I created in a year inside or how long it would take to fill up my whole house so there was no space left to sleep or eat. Has anyone tried that? • • Repost @celestial_ras777

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