John John Florence

Aquecimento no rancho

Recuperado de lesão no joelho, John John Florence treina nas ondas artificiais do Surf Ranch, em Lemoore (EUA).


Afastado das competições desde junho do ano passado, devido uma lesão no joelho sofrida em Bali, Indonésia, o havaiano John John Florence visitou o Surf Ranch, em Lemoore (EUA), para aquecer as turbinas.

“Foi muito legal ir ao Surf Ranch e voltar ao básico. Trabalhando em turns específicos, colocação e postura com Ross Williams. Obter um feedback instantâneo e fazer a repetição é muito útil. É uma loucura quanto você consegue fazer em tão pouco tempo”, postou o bicampeão mundial em suas redes sociais.

Veja como foi a lesão sofrida por John John Florence:

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This year has been so much fun regardless of my results. Through some of the tough losses Ive learned more than I have in the past couple years. That’s why I love competing — the chance to learn is always there, win or lose. I love the drive to win you get from a loss. I feel like I’m more driven to win than ever from this year. Unfortunately I hurt my knee during a freesurf here in Bali, and I have to pull out of the next event to get back and heal up as quickly as possible. I was trying bottom turns in the yard last night to see if there is any way for me to possibly surf this event, but nothing about it felt right. Haha! I think it’s best I heal 100% before I get back in the water. When I was a little kid I watched my favorite surfers winning events and trying big airs and big maneuvers and dreamed of doing those things. I will never lose that. I’m excited for everything to come. I hope to come out of this injury smarter and more excited than I have ever been.

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