Swell épico

Banquete em Fiji

Kelly Slater, Danilo Couto, Yuri Soledade, Ramon Navarro e companhia encaram swell monstruoso em Fiji.


A suspeita de que Kelly Slater desembarcaria em Fiji após desistir de competir o Bali Pro em Keramas se confirmou no último sábado (26), depois que o norte-americano foi flagrado nos tubos cristalinos de Restaurants e nas bombas assustadoras de Cloudbreak.

Um swell épico atingiu o arquipélago de Fiji neste final de semana e muitos outros surfistas, como os baianos Danilo Couto, Yuri Soledade e o chileno Ramon Navarro, participaram de uma sessão histórica de tow-in na bancada de Cloudbreak.

Confira abaixo algumas imagens do swell.

No sure what to say after witnessing this …

A post shared by Mick Doherty (@mickdoh) on

Just take a second and process this… @surfnavarro kicked out right next to me and all I could do was give him a big hug. Today will never be forgotten. It was an honor to be in the presence of an ocean doing this. There is no better wave on this earth than #Cloudbreak. Lots of questions about competition and the event in Bali…Long story short, I am not on the level I want and need to be to compete. I did catch one really nice wave today, went straight perfectly well, and saw a hundred other good waves. When I’m ready, properly healed, and able to compete with the world’s best, I will. Good luck to everyone in Bali for the @wsl event and hoping for some more tomorrow in Fiji. Wow is all I can say. I’m inspired and more excited than ever to see surfing where it’s at! I’m calling at least 1 Billion people on this earth should have witnesse what went down today. This stuff is like people going to the moon…by tomorrow people will say it didn’t happen. 👽🏄🏽‍♂️🌊

A post shared by Kelly Slater (@kellyslater) on

Biggest Cloudbreak ever! Vinaka vaka levu @danilocouto11 @seaway #cloudbreak #fiji

A post shared by 📷 Fred Pompermayer 🇺🇸🇧🇷 (@fred_pompermayer) on

🏄🏻‍♂️ @surfnavarro 🎥 @_taylorcurran #cloudbreak #fiji 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

A post shared by Teaonui Fontaine (@teaonuifontaine) on

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